NOTE: Each provider has a tick-box on the top right,
if this is ticked the provider will be used in searches,
if you leave it unticked the provider will be ignored.
This lets you turn providers on/off without losing settings
(passwords/api keys etc)
Newznab Providers¶
For each newznab provider, enter the following details. When you fill a provider slot and save it, a new empty slot appears.
- URL eg
- API Your personal api as supplied by the newznab provider Newznab and nZEDb use different categories for ebooks and magazines. LazyLibrarian queries them for capabilities, but not all providers give enough info. If you get errors in the log from newznab searches saying "unknown function" or similar, please read the "filters" section.
Torznab Providers¶
Torznab is a method for indexing and searching torrents. See
- URL URL of the torznab/jackett indexer
- API Your api key for the torznab/jackett indexer
RSS/WishList Providers¶
Only plain rss feeds or rss feeds with embedded credentials are known to work, eg Feedback on other sites (working or not) would be appreciated
- URL URL of feed, or feed with embedded credentials
NOTE: Goodreads RSS wishlists or Listopia html pages, New York Times best-sellers pages and others can also be entered as an
RSS provider feed
New York Times:
Amazon charts pages:
publishersweekly: or
penguinrandomhouse: or
myanonamouse: ** NOTE this is a special case as the url doesn't contain anything identifiable as myanonamouse, so...
you need to include "mam" and "wish" in the LABEL field so lazylibrarian knows this is a wishlist and not a plain rss feed,
eg "mam recent books wishlist". Also the wishlist will only work from the ip address registered to your mam account.
These will be scanned periodically for changes like a true rss feed, and lazylibrarian will attempt to download all books found in the list.
As some listopia lists can be quite long you can limit the number of pages to return
Torrent Providers¶
Currently only the built in sites are known to work. Feedback on other sites (working or not) would be appreciated. New sites may be added on request
Direct Download Providers¶
Currently zlibrary and libgen are supported. There are multiple entries for libgen so you can use the main search and also the foreignfiction search. Note that "foreign" in this context means "non-russian". Also note that not all libgen mirrors are true mirrors and return results in unexpected/incompatible formats. If the test button returns no results try a different mirror
Most providers have an optional Priority setting. If the same download is available from more than one provider we request it from the one with the highest priority, this means you can prefer nzb over torrent, one torrent source over another etc.
- Downloads are ranked according to how closely they match the required author/title first, priority is the second filter. This means if there are equally good matches at more than one provider the priority is used to decide, otherwise we grab the "best" match ignoring any priority settings.
Valid types are one or more of (A)udio (E)book (M)agazine (C)omic
- We will only search the provider for an ebook if there is an E in the Types entry for the provider. This means you can skip searching providers that aren't relevant, eg libgen doesn't do audiobooks
- For a wishlist, the types entry is used when searching for entries in the wishlist, eg you can just download the New York Times best sellers as audiobooks if you want.
Blocked Providers button¶
If a provider returns an error we block access to it for a limited time. Usually it's a communication error or a daily limit exceeded. The button shows a popup of blocked providers and allows you to unblock them if you wish rather than wait for the timer to expire.