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rTorrent limitations

rTorrent does not work well with magnet links, so we try to convert them to torrent files using libtorrent.
The external library "libtorrent" is not supplied with LazyLibrarian as it is architecture specific. If you don't have the library installed, LazyLibrarian will not be able to convert.

Libtorrent is available in most linux distributions, MacOS, Windows, but is not installed by default on some NAS systems. See for details on building libtorrent. The libtorrent library is also used by Deluge and qBittorrent, so if either of those are installed on your system, there should be a libtorrent file on somewhere your system that we can use, just need to copy it to the right location.

We are also unable to delete completed torrents from rTorrent, but you can configure rTorrent to do this itself.
Incomplete or stalled torrents can be deleted, just not the completed ones.

Connecting to rTorrent

Note that LazyLibrarian talks to rTorrent, not ruTorrent.
Communication with rTorrent is done through your web browser using SCGI.
For example using Apache 2.x, in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (depending on your version) put
ProxyPass /RPC2 scgi://
and in .rtorrent.rc put
network.scgi.open_port =
then in lazylibrarian the rTorrent host should be set to localhost (or you could put to use the default location of /RPC2. To use anything else you need to pass this to LazyLibrarian in the hostname.
If you use ProxyPass /rtorrent scgi:// you would need to tell lazylibrarian to use localhost/rtorrent
Your apache installation needs mod_proxy and mod_proxy_scgi installed...
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_scgi
or uncomment the relevant LoadModule options in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Don't forget to restart the http server after any config changes.

For more details or if you use lighttpd or nginx, see
NOTE: The above web page says to use ProxyPass /RPC2 scgi:// for Apache 2.4 but I couldn't get this to work on Ubuntu 16:10 with Apache 2.4,
I had to use SCGIMount /RPC2 instead.

Testing the connection

From the command line, with rTorrent running, try xmlrpc localhost system.client_version
This should report the version number of rTorrent
The xmlrpc command line tool is part of libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev
Once this is working you can try the "test" button in LazyLibrarian. Leave password and username blank for now.

Securing access

Once the above settings are working, you can add basic auth (user/password) by creating a password file and adding the following lines to your /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf NOTE: The python xmlrpclib only uses basic auth

    #rTorrent SCGI  
    <Location "/RPC2">  
        AuthType        Basic  
        AuthName        "rtorrentscgi"  
        AuthUserFile    /etc/httpd/conf/rtorrentscgi  
        Require         valid-user  
        BrowserMatch    "MSIE"  AuthDigestEnableQueryStringHack=On  
        Order           allow,deny  
        Allow From      all  

Change "/RPC2" if you are not using the default.
Use htpasswd to create a password file, giving it a user name and a password (which you have to enter twice).
The password file can be called anything, and placed anywhere you like. To create the password file in the example above I used htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf/rtorrentscgi user_name

To test this, use
xmlrpc -u user_name -p user_passwd localhost system.client_version
Once this is working, put the username and password into the lazylibrarian config file, save the config, and try the "test" button.